The long awaited Multi-Colored pond. We finally reached the main attraction of Huang Long. But, were too exhausted to go any further. It was raining harder and almost dark. So, we decided to walk back before it's too dark.
We heard from the others that it's extremely beautiful if we walked further up the mountain. But, I know that it's not worth the risk of getting up there. 3 people were lost and our tour guide had to go search for them. But, luckily, they were find their way back after about 40 mintues.
This is one of the lifetime experience that I will never forget. Huang Long is in a very high elevated area. The people in our tour was asked to bring in a small oxygen tank just in case we had a hard time breathing.
At first, I'm thinking that it couldn't be that bad. never know. So, I bought 2 tanks just in case I really needed it. Boy, was I glad that I did. Walking each step was a struggle. I can't believe that walking just one step is so difficult.
We were walking only a small distance, but it seems like hours to finally reach the attraction area. It was raining too. That makes it even tougher to go further on this path. But, at the end we did make it half way to see the multi-colored pond.
I visited a silk factory in China that sells beautiful embroidered products. This robe was displayed along with other robes worned by the Emperor of Qing and his royal concubines.